Child Support

While parents are separating, children are entitled to financial support from both of their parents. The amount of which is not always due to circumstantial factors, which is why we offer negotiation services concerning child support. The ability to raise your children safely and securely is our top priority when mitigating such cases. New York families can count on Mark Weaver Law to demonstrate the needs of their children as well as each parent’s financial ability. Negotiating and enforcing fair arrangements prevents children and parents alike from suffering financially through the process of separation.

We help parents with the following issues:

  • Negotiate child support through mediation

  • Litigate child support issues

  • Enforce child support orders

  • Modify child support orders

I prioritize keeping clients up-to-date and in firm comprehension of New York child support guidelines. It is my duty to ensure you know and feel confident in your rights and those of your children. Families are empowered when they understand how the law applies to them.


Despite the nature of separation, it is important for the wellbeing of their children that parents maintain a cordial relationship. Mediation is one proven step toward establishing such cordiality. Living through the process of divorce can be a very turbulent experience for children. Mediation, when performed by a skilled professional, can take significant stress out of conflicts. Important choices regarding child rearing are put in the hands of the parents rather than the court. While there may not be much a separating couple agrees upon, the stability of their children is often a uniting factor that allows them to set hostility aside and focus on decision-making. As a skilled negotiator, I offer mediation services for couples seeking amicable solutions.

Skilled Family Litigation

In some cases, lawsuits must be carried out to obtain your child’s financial support. If your spouse has fallen behind on payment, we will help you collect the money that your child rightly deserves. In the case of financial problems, changing needs, or altered circumstances, we will petition the court for a just modification of your child support orders.